Members of the Florida Road Team are the ambassadors for the truck driving profession and our safety programs. Each professional truck driver on the Team is an example of trucking at its best—articulate, knowledgeable and dedicated. Each driver is selected for the Team on the basis of his or her safety record, leadership abilities, concern for the image of the trucking industry and commitment to continuous improvement. The Road Team drivers take a few days away from their work each month to travel and speak to various groups about highway safety and the trucking industry. These professionals speak to civic and traffic clubs, classrooms, media and local businesses across our state.
Our Road Team provides information on safe driving tips, sharing the road with trucks, hands-on experience with a tractor-trailer, career opportunities and facts on industry issues. Don’t miss your opportunity to nominate one of your professional drivers for a chance to join this special group of trucking ambassadors.
Take a moment to think about any civic gathering or opportunity that may exist in your community where a Road Team Member may serve as a presenter. The Road Team exists to carry the safety message to your community!
Share the Road is the cornerstone of Florida Trucking Association’s public awareness program. Florida’s Road Team serve as FTA’s ambassadors for the Share the Road program.
Since its inception in 1996, approximately 150,000 students across the state have been educated by the Florida Road Team on safe driving techniques and how to safely share the road with trucks.
The interactive, multi-media presentation is used to both educate and motivate passenger car drivers to
leave room for big trucks on the roadways. In recent years, the message has been widened to include “NoText + Drive” messages and information about Florida’s “Move Over” law.
These free presentations are usually delivered to Drivers Education and P.E. classes at Florida high schools (90% of the year’s events), but presentations are also made to trucking companies, professional groups, church groups, “Touch-a-Truck” events, press conferences and association events statewide.

David Allen- FedEx Freight
Scott Brown - FedEx Freight
Michael Cherry - Walmart Transportation
Paul Cleary- FedEx Freight
Fred Combs- Walmart Transportation
Greg DeFranco- UPS
Eddie Moody, Sr.- Werner Enterprises
George Moore- UPS
Mihaly Ramirez - FedEx Freight
David Shutterly- FedEx Freight
Omar Stebbins - XPO Logistics
David Swierenga- FedEx Freight
Anthony Tirone - Walmart Transportation
Chevelle Walker - Werner Enterprises